Internet of Things (IOT) has transformed the multiple industries in recent year. The changes affect multiple dimensions such as operation, manufacturing and even sales process.
In this article we will be focused on the self-service laundromat operations. Without any embracement of technology, the operator will be to take on all the labour intensive job which includes refilling the coins, undergo routine check, daily cleaning and many more. As such never been an issue for small owner with only single shop to be taken care of. However the difficulty multiply whenever multiple laundromats involved. To overcome the issues faced, on most cases the operator will go for hiring extra assistant for help. With limited man-hours, ever rising wages and competitive landscape of business, only through improvement of business process efficiency will allow sustainability of the business.
Through embracement of IoT enhanced management system, it allows better insight and overlook of the business process improvement. For example, simple activity such as coin collection and counting could be replaced fully by such systems. As a result, the coverage for a single worker will be improved tremendously.